Tuesday, July 20, 2004

OK. So I took this picture around 3am this morning... This is what my brain looks like nearly 100% of my life. This is the crap I think about. Those are the curtains in my bedroom, which look amazing at night. And I got that Cocker Spaniel picture at Laverty's about a year ago. And the smudged face at the bottom is Elvis.

I took this picture yesterday while hunting for "colorful" things. I'm a freak, I know. I liked it.

Here's yet another Panda from the streets of Washington DC.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

In the fountain at the FDR Memorial.

The rotunda, inside our nation's capitol.

The rotunda, again.

Givin' some love to the pandas.

Pandas were everywhere.

Amazing angles of the "Old Executive" building, which houses about 20 million White House offices.

Mark ... one of the many new people I met in DC ... standing in the fountain at the FDR Memorial.

Here's Kirk, standing in the fountain at the FDR Memorial.

My favorite photo ever ... Kirk, Britt and Drew in front of the White House.

At the Jefferson Memorial.

... as I wandered around Chinatown.

Britt and Sara at the WWII Memorial.

Britt and Kirk at the newly completed WWII Memorial.

Kirk forced us all to get Slurpees

Standing in the rain on the 4th. Umbrellas of color make me smile.

Brittney was amused.

A fountain at the FDR Memorial ... I'm standing in it, of course.