Friday, November 11, 2005

It's beautiful, sorta, but not.

So early in the mornin' ... Er'body so tired ...

Jen looks like she 'bout to pour a 55-gallon drum of ass-whup on my head.

Some delightful fall folliage, right out front of Cracker Barrell.

One Bush carrying another over his shoulder. Which is which? Find out at 8:00.


I don't know what's going on here. Bush either is swashing/swishing some Scope, or he's gettin' ready to pop me a good one up'side mah head.

This is a picture of Jen when she is possibly a) frustrated in a playful manner, or b) articulating a point in her lecture about diseased animals as housepets.

Something must be really funny, 'cause dey sho looks like dey's laughin' hard.

A beautiful little butterfly, pearching itself upon a lovely fall flower.

Ooo so engaged.