Thursday, May 26, 2005

A tribute to May

Traffic jam, North Dallas. You gosta love it.

Farewell, LL Sams.

Belle, the cat.

Belle has frickin' huge eyes.

I thought this was interesting. Some kind of mill thing off LaSalle.

I thought the colors were explosive.

Yeah, you heard me.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Here's a blast from the past. It's my favorite of a series of "family portraits" intended for my buddies' apartment at Pecan Ridge. We took four pictures in the same spot, and tried to photoshop them all together. No dice. But I love this one. May, 2004.

Trees and sky. My grandmother's house. April 16, 2005.

Hummingbird feeder. My grandmother's house. April 16, 2005.

The fountain, which has been at my grandmother's house since I was a wee lad. April 16, 2005.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

A tree. My grandmother's house. April 16, 2005.

Garden hose. My grandmother's house. April 16, 2005.

Flowers in my mother's backyard.

Lubbock, Texas ... Home of Buddy Holly. Here's the statue those country folk built to honor his memory.

Train tracks, 50 miles south of Lubbock.

Kaydee's checking things out.

We drove up to the top of a plateau to get closer to a windfarm, since Kaydee loves them so much.

Mmmm windmills.

Wildflowers atop the plateau.

I think this is the greatest picture I've ever seen (in my humble, totally non-biased opinion).

We spent over an hour digging through the dirt for fossils. Pretty amazing.

Hunting for fossils.

The wall of the sweetest Dairy Queen I've ever seen.

In Birdsong, TX, on Hwy 6 ... The peanut factory is the only thing in this town.